Directions to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
5 Entrada Del Norte
Edgewood, NM 87015
Edgewood, NM is located on I-40 approximately 25 miles east of Albuquerque, NM
From I-40:
Take Exit 187 (Edgewood)
Go South on Rt. 344 .25 miles
Go West (right) on Rt. 333 (Old Rt. 66) 1 mile
Turn left on Entrada Del Norte
Church is on the corner of Rt. 333 and Entrada Del Norte
Edgewood, NM 87015
Edgewood, NM is located on I-40 approximately 25 miles east of Albuquerque, NM
From I-40:
Take Exit 187 (Edgewood)
Go South on Rt. 344 .25 miles
Go West (right) on Rt. 333 (Old Rt. 66) 1 mile
Turn left on Entrada Del Norte
Church is on the corner of Rt. 333 and Entrada Del Norte